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Gender Sway - Cosmic Ultimate Bundle

Gender Sway - Cosmic Ultimate Bundle

With this package, you will receive the following......


1 x Cosmogram - Each client will have their own personal file with us, this helps us calculate our own cosmic formula. A cosmogram is where our coaches look into your natal chart, where we can determine which are your strongest and weakest signs to concieve in and find patterns. This will be one page shared with you.

1 x Personal sway plan (Our sway coaches will write up a personal plan just for you.)

Access to private client forum

2 x Sway calculations - Including a personalised sway calendar - Once you've peaked, it will have when to add/measure you pH control, when to add supplements for aiding implantation, start and end time of your phase and when ovulation/conception ideally should happen for safety. This also includes our new cosmic formula.

2 x 30-minute chat with the method creators

Girl or Boy book

Perfect Your OPK Guidebook

Sway diet tips Guidebook

Moon Manifestation and rituals, Guidebook, this covers the ways to use Moon water, charging your crystals, and much more!

Cosmic Fertility Journal

Cosmic Manifestation Journal

Girl or Boy gender sway spell

Fertility Spell

Anti Anxiety Spell

Protect my pregnancy spell (after conception)

Ramzi, Nub & Skull theory predictions (after conception)

Fertility Reading - Month & Gender


Everything you need to perfect your COSMIC sway and your pregnancy journey with us. RRP £450

    £500.00 Regular Price
    £349.00Sale Price
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